3 Tips for Choosing the Right HVAC System for Your New Home

Building a new home can be both exciting and stressful. There are many moving parts involved and several important decisions to be made. Although many people treat the process of selecting a heating and cooling system as an afterthought, it should actually be a priority. However, choosing the right HVAC system can be a challenging decision. You need to plan and budget carefully to ensure safety and comfort in your home.

Here are three tips to help you find the perfect HVAC system for your new home in South Louisiana.


A suitably sized HVAC unit will operate both effectively and efficiently. When the system is undersized, it will struggle to keep your home comfortable. On the other hand, an oversized system will use up too much energy and lead to constant short-cycling. Because there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to heating and cooling systems, you have to make sure that the size of your unit fits your space and needs.  This decision requires precision, making it important to consult an HVAC professional to help you determine the right-sized unit for your space.

When sizing an HVAC unit, you should consider factors like the square footage of your home, the amount of insulation, weatherproofing efforts and the number of hours the home will receive direct sunlight. This will make it easy to decide how much heating and cooling capacity you need.


Building a new home gives you the opportunity to choose the type of HVAC system that suits your needs. There are four main types of HVAC systems available on the market: split systems, hybrid systems, ductless systems and packaged systems. You should understand the pros and cons of each of these systems in order to make smart choices.

Split systems are the most common type of HVAC systems. Split HVAC units feature two main systems: one for heating your home and the other for cooling the space. The system contains an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The hybrid system is similar to the split system but allows you to choose between gas and electric power to heat your home. Ductless HVAC systems have multiple individual units located in each room, allowing for greater independent control. A packaged system is a compact, all-in-one heating and cooling system that is stored within the house. In the end, the type of HVAC system you choose will depend on your lifestyle and needs.


HVAC technology has changed remarkably over the past few years. When looking for a heating and cooling system for your new home, you should go for the latest technology in terms of energy-efficiency. An energy-efficient unit will not only help to protect the environment but also save you a considerable amount of money.

When it comes to measuring system performance, there are different rating methods that can help you make the right choice. These are Average Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE), Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). Generally, the higher the ratings, the more efficient the HVAC system and the lower the operating cost. However, high efficiency HVAC units will usually come with a higher price tag than their counterparts. Lastly, when buying a new HVAC unit, be on the lookout for the ENERGY STAR label.

In addition to choosing the right HVAC unit, you need to find a qualified contractor to provide professional installation and maintenance services. At Coastal Mechanical Contractors, we provide a wide range of HVAC services to ensure your unit works efficiently and serves you for long. Our experienced technicians can also offer honest advice on what HVAC system is best for your new home. Contact us today to find out more and request our services.

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